Vogelperspektive auf drei Frauen, die auf einen Laptop schauen

Stay in Tech! Policies & Practices for Attracting and Retaining Female Tech Talent

Conference I 14. Mai Berlin 

Despite significant investment and prioritization in EU policies, the percentage of women working in ICT professions has only grown from 17% to 18.5% in the last 7 years.

#SheTransformsIT, together with CEPIS DiversIT Charter, German Informatics Society and Fraunhofer ICT Group are organizing a conference to find concrete best practices and solutions on how to retain female tech talent.

Under the umbrella of the EU Diversity month, this free one-day conference will take place on May 14th in Berlin. Titled, ‘Stay in tech! – Policies and practices for attracting and retaining female tech talent’, aims to help companies overcome these challenges and identify ways to retain valuable colleagues.

Governments, companies, and non-profits across Europe have invested large sums of time and money into increasing the number of women working in tech. Initiatives such as the EU’s Gender Equality Strategy, Women4IT, and more, have made a huge impact in helping more women enter the tech sector. Nevertheless, women remain underrepresented in the tech workforce. With a large focus on getting women and girls into tech, there also needs to be investment in retaining them. Challenges such as outdated stereotypes, lack of mentorship opportunities, isolation, and ‘macho culture’ in some organizations, boil down to a simple truth: if the workplace is bad, women will leave.

Come and join the discussion on May 14th in Berlin at the Forum Digital Technologien in Berlin. For more information regarding the agenda and speakers, please refer to the full CEPIS event site here.

Registration is necessary and possible here


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