
Women in the digital economy - A representative survey

Studies and research projects on women in digitalization

Digitalization is the greatest promise of prosperity and progress since industrialization.

The economy can only fulfill the promise and the pursuit of innovation and competitiveness with more women.  However, women do not always have it easy, especially in the digital industry: hard entry, more frequent exit and few opportunities to make the top of the list. The reason is often the lack of support from employers. Our first project in the economy topic area takes a look at the economy as a whole and at the ICT industry and wants to find out where we are right now, what goals companies have, what opportunities and hurdles, and what concrete measures are in place to promote women.

Even if access is successful, more than half of women leave the digital industry again. Hardly any make it into top management.

Third Equality Report
BMFSFJ, 2021

More Projects

Women4Cyber Chapter Deutschland

Das Netzwerk für Frauen in der Cybersicherheit

Smart Factory Believers Summer Camp mit girls@BWINF

Smart Factory Believers Summer Coding Camp for Girls 
25.-29. Septemer 2024 I Zielgruppe 10-14 Jahre alt I Heidesee


Eine Online-Veranstaltung für Neu-, Quer- oder Wiedereinstieg in IT-Berufe 
mit der Bundesagentur für Arbeit am 6. Juni 2024 I 12:00 – 13:30 Uhr

Stay in Tech! Policies & Practices for Attracting and Retaining Female Tech Talent

Conference I 14. Mai Berlin 

Smart Factory Believers Programm 

Deutschlandweite IT-Kurse für Mädchen

Women of Tech Konferenz 2024

19. & 20. Juni 2024 | Stuttgart